Saturday, February 21, 2009

Not done yet

Jobs will be saved. Cuts won’t be made.

That was the Governor’s very good news message at a press conference yesterday to herald the impact of federal recovery/stimulus money on the state budget.

I believe that the stimulus package will accomplish two things.

* Repair the safety net for those of us who have lost their jobs because of the recession, while maintaining the incentives and requirements for seeking work in our welfare system; and

* Invest in our infrastructure and future – from repaving roads so people can get to work and to shop more efficiently to enhancing our ability to obtain energy from sources other than the oil kingdoms of the Middle East.

However, I have also heard from constituents who think that this spending will not stimulate our economy but will leave us further in debt instead.

It is essential, therefore, that we, as taxpayers, are able to find out how this money is spent and how many jobs it creates.

After the Obama administration pledged to put this information on a website, I urged state officials to provide this accountability and transparency as well.

They have agreed to do so.

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